Latest News
August 2018
Peninsula NHS Treatment Centre presentation | August 2018
Peninsula NHS Treatment Centre chooses Plymouth Drake Foundation as its charity of the year
May 2018
Dementia Week | May 2018
In partnership with Royal British Legion and Alzheimer's Society
May 2018
Cheers! | May 2018
The launch of our very own Drake's Pale Ale
November 2017
WAKE Fund presentation | November 2017
WAKE Fund Autumn Disbursement
November 2017
Plymouth Drake Foundation Circulate and Celebrate
Our annual event to celebrate our work was held in October
November 2017
Car Raffle | October 2017
We have a winner!
December 2016
Win a Car with Plymouth Drake Foundation
Support our "Imagine" campaign and you will be helping young people in Plymouth
July 2016
'Imagine' campaign launched at Plymouth Community Homes | July 2016
Plymouth Drake Foundation gets backing from Plymouth Community Homes for young people plan
March 2016
Portcullis Legals | March 2016
Free will writing service for our supporters
March 2016
Purple Motion | March 2016
Plymouth Drake Foundation links up with Purple Motion
February 2016
Running for Charity | February 2016
Thank you to Janis for running the Plymouth 10k for us
February 2016
Plymouth Area Police Choir | January 2016
A big Thank You
December 2015
Plymouth Area Business Council | December 2015
Plymouth Drake Foundation thanks local business leaders for their generosity
December 2015
Plymouth Area Police Choir | December 2015
Plymouth Area Police Choir sing their hearts out for charity
November 2015
Welcome back Caroline | December 2015
Plymouth Drake Foundation are pleased to welcome back Caroline Perry ..........
November 2015
Crowdfunding Target Reached! | December 2015
A big thank you to everyone who supported our Crowdfunding campaign
November 2015
Celebration & Awards 2015 | Oct 2015
Another great night celebrating Plymouth's voluntary and community sector.
June 2015
The Grand Opening | June 2015
Plymouth Drake Foundation asked to open a new drop-in centre run by Ambers Angels Trust.......
April 2015
More New Grants for 2015 | April 2015
Plymouth Drake Foundation will soon be promoting three new grant rounds in the coming weeks......
March 2015
Beers Solicitors support Plymouths Community Charity for the fifth year | April 2015
Since 2011 Beers Solicitors have supported the Plymouth Drake Foundation with a regular yearly donation.
February 2015
Valentines Party is a great success! | February 2015
Our first fundraising event was at the Treasury for Valentines!
January 2015
Valentines Party | January 2015
Buy your ticket now!
January 2015
Trek Fest - Have you got what it takes? | January 2015
Plymouth Drake Foundation are putting together a team to take part in Trek Fest Challenge over the Brecon Beacons in 2015.
December 2014
We are on the back of a Plymouth City Bus | December 2014
Plymouth City Bus are supporting Plymouth's Community Charity
November 2014
Christmas 2014
We are selling Christmas Cards this year to help raise funds.
November 2014
Celebrating Their First Birthday
Alzheimer's Society veterans memory cafe celebrates first birthday
October 2014
Help us fundraise
We have produced a fundraising booklet for people who would like to support us!
October 2014
Plymouth Law Society Dinner October 2014
We were the chosen charity of the Plymouth Law Society Dinner that took place on Friday 17th October 2014
October 2014
Afternoon with Santander - Friend's Challenge | October 2014
To celebrate the launch of our Friend's Challenge we went down to meet our Partners Santander.
October 2014
New Grant Available | Oct 2014
£2,500 is available from our RNRMC grant.
September 2014
Support from Santander | September 2014
Santander presents cheque to Plymouth Drake Foundation!
June 2014
Early 1900's by Annie Meakin
Local Artist Annie Meakin has produced a brilliant painting of Old Plymouth at Derry's Clock Tower. Thursday 10th July is the formal launch, click the link for more information.
March 2014
RNRMC Application
The Plymouth Drake Foundation has been successful in applying for to the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity for the second year in a row. In the near future Plymouth charities will be able to apply into a fund of ten thousand pounds.
December 2013
The Herald Business Awards
The Plymouth Drake Foundation has sponsored the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) award for the 2014 Herald Business Awards and look forward to presenting our award and adding how all businesses can help local charities through their CSR.
October 2013
Plymouth VCS Training Fund
Learn all about the many charities we have helped through our local training fund. Groups are able to apply for a grant of up to 100 pounds in order to train their staff/ volunteers or Trustees.
September 2013
Seafarers UK
The Plymouth Drake Foundation is supported by Seafarers UK and give out grants on their behalf in Plymouth. This page holds details on when grant rounds are open as well as stories about the successful grants we have already given out.
August 2018
Imagine Fund | August 2018
Funding awarded to help children and young people
July 2018
Grants Awarded | July 2018
New4You Youth Group were awarded a grant from the Plymouth Drake Foundation Imagine Fund
July 2018
Grants Awarded | June 2018
Mount Batten Centre Charity Trust were awarded a grant from the Plymouth Drake Foundation Imagine Fund
June 2018
Grants Awarded | June 2018
The Friends of Plymouth School of Creative Arts were awarded a grant from the Plymouth Drake Foundation Imagine Fund
June 2018
Grants Awarded | June 2018
Plymouth Youth Sailing Club were awarded a grant from the Plymouth Drake Foundation Trinity Fund
May 2018
Imagine Fund | May 2018
Local children jump for joy!
May 2018
Imagine Fund | May 2018
Funding awarded to help children in poverty
December 2016
Grant Awarded | 2016
The West of England Billiards and Snooker Club were awarded a grant from the Plymouth Training Fund
December 2016
Grants Awarded | October 2016
Drake Sea Cadets were awarded a grant from the Trinity House Fund
May 2016
Grants Awarded | Spring 2016
CHICKS were awarded a grant from the Plymouth Drake Foundation Royal British Legion Fund
April 2016
Grant Awarded | April 2016
The Plymouth Sea Cadets were awarded a grant from the Plymouth Drake Foundation Trinity House Fund
April 2016
Grants Awarded | April 2016
OASIS Project were awarded a grant from the Plymouth Training Fund
April 2016
Grants Awarded | April 2016
Some of the successful organisations that were awarded a grant from the Drake Impact Fund
March 2016
Grant Awarded | February 2016
Plymouth Guild of Voluntary Services were awarded a grant from the Plymouth Drake Foundation Royal British Legion Fund
March 2016
Grant Awarded | February 2016
Keyham Green Places awarded a grant from the Plymouth Drake Foundation Royal British Legion Fund
March 2016
Grant Awarded | February 2016
Pregnancy Crisis Care were awarded a grant from the Plymouth Drake Foundation Fund
February 2016
Grants Awarded | January 2016
We have been helping local community and voluntary organisations with their training needs
December 2015
Grant Awarded | December 2015
We have helped Barne Barton Junior Raiders with a training grant for football coaching
November 2015
Grant Awarded | November 2015
We have helped fund the Ark Community Project with first aid training for their staff
July 2015
Grant Awarded | July 2015
We funded Pregnancy Crisis Care to receive training from our Plymouth Training Fund.
July 2015
Grant Awarded | July 2015
We have funded the Lenkiewicz Foundation to receive governance training for trustees and a staff member.
June 2015
Grant Awarded | June 2015
In our final part of our RNRMC grant programme, find out how our latest grant recipient spent their funding.
June 2015
Grant Awarded | June 2015
In part four of our RNRMC grant round up. Find out how Plymouth Arts centre spent their grant.
June 2015
Grant Awarded | June 2015
In part three of our RNRMC grant round up. Find out how Theatre Royal spent their grant.
May 2015
Grant Awarded | May 2015
In part two of our RNRMC grant round up. Find out how The Eldertree spent £1,500....
May 2015
Grant Awarded | May 2015
As part of our RNRMC grant programme we will be showcasing what £10,000 can do in Plymouth. Read further to find out how Plymouth Music Zone are planning to spend their grant money
April 2015
Grant Awarded | April 2015
We have helped fund Bickleigh Stables with their first aid training for staff and volunteers
April 2015
Grant Awarded | April 2015
Plymouth Drake Foundation awarded Nutkins Pre-School a grant from our Training Fund.
April 2015
Grant Awarded | April 2015
Plymouth Drake Foundation awards Churches Together in Plymouth a Training grant to go towards an international training conference in Pretoria, South Africa.
March 2015
Grant Awarded | March 2015
Plymouth Drake Foundation are pleased to provide Memory Matters with a grant from our Plymouth Training Fund for a unique training opportunity.
February 2015
Grant Awarded | February 2015
We awarded Playbox with a grant from our Councillor Community Fund.
February 2015
Grant Awarded | February 2015
We awarded Plymouth Underwater Hockey Club a grant from our Councillor Community Fund.
February 2015
Grants Awarded | February 2015
We have awarded 3 grants to Plymouth Organisations from our RNRMC fund.
January 2015
Grant Awarded | January 2015
We awarded Stoke Damerel Parish Centre £500 from our Plymouth Drake Foundation Named Fund held in partnership with Devon Community Foundation
January 2015
Grant Awarded | January 2015
Pride in Plymouth were awarded a grant from our Plymouth Training Fund
January 2015
Grant Awarded | December 2014
Plymouth Training Fund awarded to Horizon's.
December 2014
Grant Awarded | November 2014
Plymouth Training Fund grant awarded to Plymouth Underwater Hockey Club.
December 2014
Grant Awarded | November 2014
Plymouth Training Fund grant awarded to Plymouth and Devon Schools Sailing Association
November 2014
Summer Grants Round 2014
This summer saw 6 grants given out to Plymouth Community Groups from our Endowment Fund held with Devon Community Foundation
October 2014
Grant Awarded | October 2014
Plymouth Training Fund grant awarded to Plymstock Albion Oaks RFC
October 2014
Grant Awarded | October 2014
Plymouth Training Fund grant awarded to StoryJug
September 2014
Grant Awarded | September 2014
Plymouth Training Fund grant awarded to the Tectona Trust
September 2014
Grant Awarded | September 2014
Plymouth Training Fund awarded the Oasis Project.
August 2014
Grant Awarded | August 2014
Plymouth Training Fund grant awarded to Plymouth University Athletics Club
August 2014
Grant Awarded | August 2014
Plymouth Training Fund grant awarded to the Royal Naval Royal Marine Swimming Club
June 2014
Grant Awarded
On Saturday 7th June we visited the Royal Naval and Royal Marines Swimming Club to formally present them with their grant of £2,000
May 2014
Grant Awarded | May 2014
Plymouth Training Fund Awarded a grant to New 4 You Youth Group
April 2014
Grant Awarded | April 2014
Plymouth Training Fund awarded a grant to Pride in Plymouth
March 2014
Grant Awarded | March 2014
Plymouth Training Fund grant awarded to the Pilgrimaires
February 2014
Grant Awarded
The Plymouth Drake Foundation in partnership with Devon Community Foundation gave a grant of £2,000 to Plymouth Street Pastors, more information inside...
January 2014
Grant Awarded
The Plymouth Drake Foundation in partnership with Devon Community Foundation gave a grant of £3,000 to The Alzheimer's Society.
October 2013
Grant Awarded
On behalf of the RNRMC the Plymouth Drake Foundation gave a grant of £3,000 to Jack 'N' Jill's childcare centre in Plymstock. Click the block for more information...
June 2018
Imagine Fund | Grants available soon
Our Imagine Fund has now closed for grants
April 2016
Youth Hardship Fund | We need your help!
How the Youth Hardship Fund has helped young people in Plymouth
November 2015
Plymouth Training Fund | Available now
Grant Opportunity to help towards Training Costs
November 2015
Youth Hardship Fund | November 2014
Plymouth Drake Foundation and the Zone have been working in partnership to deliver the Youth Hardship Fund in Plymouth. Find out more >>
March 2015
Youth Hardship Fund Featured in The Herald| April 2015
Supported over 600 young people in Plymouth and is looking to do a lot more.
January 2015
Youth Hardship Fund Report | January 2015
Follow the link to read the latest facts and figures from our Youth Hardship Fund
January 2015
Volunteers Needed | January 2015
Do you like planning events? Can you help Plymouth Drake Foundation create exciting events that will become part of the cities yearly events calendar?
December 2014
Fundraising in December 2014
December has seen almost £1,000 come in to our Charity from various events. Thank You!
October 2014
How Can Business Support Us?
This fundraising guide highlights how local businesses can support Plymouth Drake Foundation
October 2014
Celebration and Awards Night 2014
It is finally here | After a short delay you can now follow the link and read about the fantastic event held on 24th September 2014
October 2014
Award Winners | Celebration and Awards Night 2014
Who were the winner of the Plymouth Drake Foundation's Spirit of Community Award 2014?