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Monday 15th June 2015Grant Awarded | June 2015

We awarded Frontline Veterans Support £1,600 to buy computer tablets to support veterans who are isolated, learn new skills and keep in touch with friends and family close and far away.
The community group will use the money to engage the group with computer tablets. The aim is to use the technology to link beneficiaries with family members, friends and the wider world through the use of the tablets. Breaking down the barriers of isolation through the use of technology has been done before and Victor and his team wanted to give his members the opportunity to benefit from the loaning of the tablets.
Victor said “On behalf of myself, the Trustees and the veterans we already support I would very much like to thank Paul and Maplins for making this possible. The tablets we have been able to secure will go a long way towards helping some of our veterans out of their isolation, and for some of them, being able to keep in touch with family and the support group, will improve their quality of life no end.”
Size of Grant: £1,600
Grant Programme: RNRMC Grant
Number of beneficaries: 48