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Wednesday 18th February 2015Grant Awarded | February 2015

The Plymouth Drake Foundation have awarded £896.11 to Plymouth Playbox from our Councillor Community Fund - Peverell Ward.
Playbox are a community based pre-school and a member of the Pre-School Learning Alliance (PLA). A committee of volunteer parents holds regular informal meetings to administer it. Playbox Preschool has up to 25 children each session. At present, over the whole setting, we have 102 children on our registers, 8 of which are of dual nationality. Having an outstanding partnership with all our parents we help children with their understanding of differing cultures and languages.
What will the grant be used for?
We are hoping to enable our children, giving them the tools that they will need, for them to want to continue their learning, in turn helping them to develop the skills they will need to function on an acceptable level, enabling them to believe in themselves and their own abilities. We would like to buy more resources to help us to promote the children’s love and understanding of early literacy.
The community group, Plymouth Drake Foundation and City Council are currently organising a "meet the group" meeting; more information to come.