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Wednesday 20th May 2015Grant Awarded | May 2015

As part of our RNRMC grant programme we will be showcasing what £10,000 can do in Plymouth. Read further to find out how The Eldertree are planning to spend their grant money
This grant will part fund the employment of a Project Worker for one full day a week. They will support 70 beneficiaries aged between 55 to 90 who have either served or are dependents of someone who has served in the Naval Service or the Auxiliaries.
An example of this would be Florence Miller who was born in 1922 and served as a WREN during WW2. Florence was feeling isolated and we helped her find services to fit her needs and she now regularly attends our lunch clubs.
The Project Worker will provide support to 70 people with identified complex needs, such as, mental health issue, suffering isolation and dementia, and ensure they get the services, advice and friendship they need to improve their current living situation.
Size of Grant: £1,500
Grant Programme: RNRMC Grant (See link for more info: CLICK)
Number of beneficaries: 70+
To find out more about The Eldertree: CLICK