What We Do

The Plymouth Drake Foundation in a nutshell:

Our purpose is developing wealthy, healthy and lively communities in Plymouth. We aim to achieve this by providing grants to Plymouth’s voluntary and community sector; we fund charities, community groups and social enterprises.  To date we have given out over £800,000 worth of grants to 260 different community groups in Plymouth.

We strongly believe in Plymouth's passionate voluntary & community sector and by supporting it we have been able to benefit 100's of Plymouth voluntary and community groups, including charities and social enterprises.  Meaning 1000's of people from all corners of  the city have recieved the support they require.
We give out grant funding through the Grassroots Endowment fund (delivered in partnership with Devon Community Foundation), we continue to give out grants on behalf of other grant giving bodies, as well as exploring other opportunities to manage money for other grant funders. More information about our grants can be found on the 'grants' page: Click

"Providing grants to support community activities for the benefit of people in Plymouth!" | Click to find out more


Plymouth Children in Poverty

Our latest campaign is to support Plymouth Children in Poverty (PCiP) and is all about eradicating poverty in the city. A massive ask, especially when you consider there are currently 11,000 children living in poverty in Plymouth. PCiP was born out of a want and need for collaboration and encouragement of our private sector to work more closely with the public sector and charitable organisations – sharing responsibility to rid child poverty from our city
To find out more go to the Plymouth Children in Poverty website Click



Plymouth Drake Foundation (or Drake Foundation) was formed in 2008 from the Mountbatten Trust, whose aim was to fund young people on Sailing Training adventures. The Trustees at that time wanted to expand the scope of the charity and make it more Community wide. Fortuitously, at about the same time a Government match funding Scheme was launched.
Plymouth Drake Foundation partnered with the Devon Community Foundation to meet the Endowment Challenge under the governments Grassroots Scheme.  Raising a total of £1.2m after the governments match for the benefit of Plymouth, creating a legacy of funding that will always be there for Plymouth. This Grassroots endowment Fund has since been the backbone of Drakes grant giving over the past years.  

To apply to the Grassroots Endowment fund please visit Devon Community Foundations grants page. Sign up to our newsletter (link on homepage) and we will let you know when grants are available. 


The Plymouth Drake Foundation will aim to take into account the findings of the Plymouth Commission to help with their grant giving. If you would like to read their final report please click the image below or you can visit their website.