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Wednesday 10th June 2015Grant Awarded | June 2015

We awarded Theatre Royal £1,855 to run 8 film screenings for former Naval Service personnel who are now suffering with dementia.
Their Dementia-Friendly Screenings offer a relaxed environment and a chance to meet other people in a similar situation with an acceptance of people talking during the film, moving around and leaving the cinema.
Plymouth Arts centre have run Dementia-Friendly Cinema Screenings as a pilot project, have trained a number of key staff to be dementia-aware and have had good feedback. The funding would allow them to build this project so more people can benefit.
Their application for eight screenings covers the costs incurred in running these screenings, including minibus transport from Naval Community Centres and provision for some individual transport.
Size of Grant: £1,855
Grant Programme: RNRMC Grant (See link for more info: CLICK)
Number of beneficaries: 400+