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Saturday 21st September 2013Seafarers UK

The Plymouth Drake Foundation have an ongoing partnership with the national charity Seafarers UK. Seafarers UK give a block grant of £5000 to the Plymouth Drake Foundation and we then use our expertise and networks to distribute grants to local Seafaring charities in Plymouth.
Early in 2013 the finalists were shortlisted and grants started to be given out to successful applicants in this grant round. In 2014 we still had funding available and after marketing the fund we awarded one more applicant a final grant from this years Seafarers Funding.
Here is some information on the groups that benefited from this grant round:
Age UK Plymouth
This grant was awarded early 2014 and following discussions with Age UK Plymouth we awarded them a grant of £1,000 to host a 'Making Waves' event in their building on the Barbican. The money, from the Seafarers UK fund, will help to stage a nautical themed event open to ex-seafarers and anyone who has worked at sea or shore-side in the marine industries.
As well as Age UK Plymouth’s advice team, there will also be related agencies such as the Shipwrecked Mariners Association and Seafarers Link offering information and advice to those who may need support in their daily lives or who wish to meet up with like-minded people from a seafaring background.
There will be entertainment from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, along with maritime exhibits and a fish’n’chip lunch.
The Herald article explains the event more as well as an image of the cheque handover. The event will take place on July 25th 2014.
Royal Navy Pre-School Learning Organisation
This organisation has 7 sites around Plymouth operating as Jack & Jill's childcare. These childcare sites are there To provide childcare/respite for service and civilian families with the Plymouth area both in peace times and during conflict working within local service and civilian communities.
They had applied for a grant worth £875 to provide 7 'Egg-ed hatching projects' for use in each one of their childcare buildings. This would enable the children, that during times of deployment become isolated and withdrawn, to become engaged in the hatching and the aftercare of the chicks. They also got to use new technology and learn new things about Science. The parents are also invited along for the 'count down' and gives them a chance to see the progress that their children are making. As well as this they receive support from socialising with other families who are going through tough times of deployment.
This project got an article in The Herald and here is one of images that were taken of the children with their eggs and our Chairman Arthur Ainslie (pictured on the left).
Plymouth and Devon Schools Sailing Association
Plymouth and Devon School Sailing Association (PDSSA) operates out of the commercial wharf on the Barbican in Plymouth providing water sport activities as well as training and qualification to all ages.
PDSSA were awarded a grant of £1200 to provide more opportunities to a group of young people who, due to unemployment, struggle to afford progression on their training in search of a career in the marine industry by providing them with subsidised further training and qualifications.
Allen is one example of the way in which people are helped by the grant that they received from the Plymouth Drake Foundation on behalf of Seafarers UK. The grant enabled Allen to complete his Powerboat Training and after long periods of unemployment has now gone on to work for a local boating company.
Coffee and Craft Club
The Coffee and Craft club is located in Keyham Methodist Community Centre and the group is in place to provide a safe and social environment to ladies and young families in the neighbourhood, including seafarer families; to build up the confidence of those who attend and provide emotional and practical support where required.
A grant of £500 was awarded to the Coffee and Craft club in order to provide materials for craft making, refreshments for the families that attend and the ingredients needed to educate the adults on cooking healthy meals for their children.
This photo shows a number of families who attend the meetings and benefit from the service provided.